Quote Originally Posted by scottish-guy View Post
Arsenal is a man in his mid 70's who lives in a little world of his own where the Empire still exists, where Thatcher rides through London - past pie & mash and jellied eel shops - on Boadicea's chariot, and where he still gets buggered nightly at prep school.
The novelist Evelyn Waugh was notorious for taking men to lunch, sitting at a table in the centre of the restaurant and, feigning deafness, ask in a loud voice "Was there much sodomy at your school". Then there's the fictitious Lord Downton's comment "If I'd have shouted out every time a boy tried to kiss me at Eton I'd have been hoarse inside a month". But you believe arsenal's parents could afford to send him to prep school?

My favourite school film that included buggery (not explicitly shown) is "If" - it ends you may recall with the boys machine-gunning the masters and parents