Quote Originally Posted by francois View Post
You can find the answers by doing a google search. 35 of the 37 calls on Flight 93 were made on Airfones located on the back of the seats. Cell phones can also make calls from airplanes.
WTC-7 had uncontrolled fires ignited by debris from collapse of the North Tower which weakened its structure and caused the collapse.

You will have to search for answers to the other 4998 inconsistencies.

Get real matt!!

Fine, fine... a bunch of Saudis who couldn't even fly a single engine Cessna hijacked four commercial jumbo jets using nothing but box cutters, circumvented NORAD, then proceeded to fly them with military precision into the WTC towersbringing skyscrapers down due to fire for the first time in human history.

Then the US / world response to a bunch of Saudis pulling off this highly technical military operation was to first immediately get various important Saudis out of the US on private jets while the entire US was under a no-fly zone, then later invade Afghanistan and Iraq while continuing to sell Saudi Arabia hundreds of billions of dollars worth of arms.

Makes perfect sense.

Not to mention, the CIA is the one who trained, equipped, and funded al-Queada, so there's always that small nuance.