A good point, rather well made, if I may so, frequent, although I would have preferred if you had sent me a PM, as discussion of moderating decisions in public is not allowed (See rule 4.4). In my defence, I would however say that I opted to use asterisks as that is the practice I have seen used in British newspapers and magazines.

But I have taken on board your suggestion. And have accordingly, edited my previous use of asterisks and the inclusion of a single letter as substitutes for the offensive word, and replaced them with the words, “[Deleted text]” and will do so in future, should the occasion arise. Thank you for making such a constructive suggestion.

As to your second point made in your post #16, I cannot recall any recent examples, but members should not change other members’ posts when quoting, although they may, of course, highlight a particular word or sentence or part quote and use ellipses to indicate to other readers it is not the full quote. Where the other member’s post contains an offensive word or expression, which has yet to be dealt with by a moderator, it is best not to quote the, as yet unedited post, and thereby compound the error.