I would not disagree, I would say that the church in the end will secularize, become materialistic in its theology and exist for only to serve man not God. The truth is the church has lied to men for hundreds or years and the real truth lies with in, not with out. God, may be real. I cannot disprove his existence, I can only say that if any of the great religions succeed it will because they have taken away the law of man and replaced it with the love of God , and serves not man but God. Evolution, a great theory but still remains a theory alone. No more provable than a god of the universe and intelligent design.

I am not saying he is right only that there is insufficient proof one way or another to make an ,intelligent decision on the existence of God. I can say there are flaws in translation of the text of the new and old testament flaws in Islam and the original text flaws Buddhism and transcendentalism. None of them provable none of them disprovable. Logic would say there is no god, Kierkegaard would say it takes a leap of faith to find him. I believe eventually the existence of any supreme being will be like people who have evolved greater than we and who still in their right mind, would stay out of the presumed evolution of man. If there is a god, it is a God of the heart not of the law. I cannot prove he exist, I can only say I have taken a leap of faith to believe. But not in the God we see hear and are told but, a God who for some reason or another has taken man, created him and left him to is own demise or greater evolution of who he is. God is not dead he is not tracendental. He is with in me. Alive and real . I feel him I know him I cannot prove him. I believe that the great heresy of the modern and first century church has been to lie to man and make him subservient to others over him. laws not created by god but by man.

All the best,
