This really has nothing to do with gay Thailand.

And yes... it's really quite stupid. I don't know how people can let themselves become overweight and not exercise.

Most people don't understand how bad some foods is. And they don't exercise. Exercise makes you naturally crave healthy food.

Personally, I eat whatever the hell I feel like... but I naturally crave healthy foods and only feel like unhealthy foods (like cakes and fried food) in moderation. I feel naturally better eating good stuff. If I eat unhealthy stuff it's no drama because I burn it off so quickly exercising anyway.

Exercising a lot naturally gets you wanting to eat healthier.

We were never built to lead non active lifestyles. Our bodies are evolved to be active for most of the day.

It feels unnatural not to exercise. If you're NOT in a job where you're doing physical work at a normal pace all day then you need to do some seriously hard and rigorous exercise before or after work to make up for all those hours of sitting still.

And being on holidays is the best time to lose weight and drive your fitness higher. You're free of all the distractions and stress of work. And on holidays you usually have access to beautiful beaches, water to swim in, pools to do laps or a gym where you're staying, which you might not otherwise have.

Eating healthier AND exercising so much... it makes me cringe thinking how crap it must feel to do the exact opposite, eat crap and not exercise to burn it off at all. I don't know how people can bear such a crappy existence.

Exercise also makes you more alert, releases "happy" hormones (most natural way to stop depression), keeps you healthy, keeps you fit and able, keeps you looking hot and increases sex drive.

And the more you do it... the easier it is. It's easier to exercise 6 days a week than it is to exercise just 2-3 days a week.