Quote Originally Posted by George
Before closing Wesley and talking of "Polls", I should tell you about an experience I had a long while back whilst living in England. I was brought to my front door to answer it, by two British Telecom engineers who had rung my bell. On greeting me with a courteous good morning, they informed me they were having problems installing a neighbors telephone line and in order for them to be able to complete their work and for my neighbor to be able to have his line working, it was going to be necessary for them to put a deadman in my back garden. They explained they needed me to sign a consent form agreeing to their request and also stating, that I had giving my permission for them to do so.

I looked at them in amazement and told them that I didn't give a shit what their problem was with my neighbors line, or whether or not they got it working, as one thing was for sure, there was no way I was ever going to allow them to put a deadman in my back garden. I couldn't for the life of me understand why they burst into laughther at what I had said. After their laughter finally subsided, one of them said to me. "Don't worry sir, I assure you that the deadman we are talking about, is just a pole". Even more amazed at this than what they had said to me earlier, I immediately replied to them: "Listen guys and you listen good, I don't give a shit what fucking nationality he is, there is still no way he is going in my back garden".
This seems to be the only extant survivor of George's self-proclaimed sense of humour. Sadly I'd already heard it as a television skit some years ago before I chanced on this example, where George claims to be the originator. I didn't realise that George had been a television script writer; I'm going to talk to the lads about inviting him to join the band of retired scriptwriters who contribute to making up The Colonel/homintern as they go along