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Thread: Femme Boys in Sunnee Plaza

  1. #1
    Junior member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Femme Boys in Sunnee Plaza

    A couple of weeks ago, I visited Villa Rouge and met a few of the Femme boys in that bar. It was an enjoyable experience. Can anyone tell me which other bars in sunnee have a similar line up of feme boys ??Perhaps a better question would be which other bars have the ambience and the femme boy talent that is found in the rouge???

    There has been a couple of replies but no one has ventured forth with any names of any bars featuring this sort of talent !!!

    Anyone out there have any names ???

  2. #2


    Every bar in pattaya has a couple if not almost all femme boys. They have taken over.

  3. #3
    Senior member
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    Apr 2006
    Norwich City. England

    Never too many

    Great the more fem boys the better for me. Just love them to bits. Wont go near a boy with a fur coat of hair on his body. Or these tough looking guys you see in some bars. Oh more bars full of fem boys yehhhhhhhhhh
    I spoke into his eyes. " I thought you died a long,-- a long long time ago".
    " OH NO! not me, i never lost control, your face to face with the Man who sold the world"

  4. #4
    Junior member
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    Mar 2008
    Exactly - where do I find them? I mean the femme boys not nessarily the ones with the girly tits,although those would be a bonus !!!

  5. #5
    Senior member
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    Eastern Seaboard
    Hi Jamez777 and welcome to the forum of delights.

    As much as I would like to direct you to the love bowl of your fancy, the boys in the bars seem to change venues as often as the news headlines in a newspaper.

    Instead of limiting yourself to certain places, why not just take a quick look/see in the different bars/go-gos as you walk around.

    Pop in, quick look around and if you see a delight have a seat and enjoy.

    If on the other hand your are not treated well by the door staff or Mamasen when you look around, just leave.

    Now some guys like the pushy Mamasan's and their stupid behavior and if that is your cup of tea, by all means enjoy it.

    On the other hand, when you find nice door boys (without the look of yaabaa in their eyes or beer on their breath) and a polite Mamasen, do have a seat and look around.

    Personally I would never take the advise of posters here as to what is a fun club or nasty club.

    Let yourself be the judge. I think you will enjoy it so much more.

    Good Luck.
    Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran
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    Aug 2004
    the moon

    Re: Never too many

    Quote Originally Posted by jolyjacktar
    Great the more fem boys the better for me. Just love them to bits. Wont go near a boy with a fur coat of hair on his body. Or these tough looking guys you see in some bars. Oh more bars full of fem boys yehhhhhhhhhh

    like them just like yourself

    perhaps a little tubby as well

    don't forget to pay the bill

  7. #7
    I like boys to look like boys and act like boys. Of course I do. I'm gay. Which means I like boys. I've also never had any desire to dress up or act like a female. So I have no understanding at all about ladyboys or their fanciers. But having said that, some of the best friends I've made in Thailand have been ladyboys. I find it very difficult to think of them as males, and can only think of them as females, but they seem to have an 'edge' over real females which I find quite compelling.

    I guess it's the fact that they're possibly closer to knowing a man's mind than a real female. Or maybe it's that I feel more at ease with them, knowing that I could only ever see them as friend and nothing more (a fact that I always make clear very early on in any conversation). I've even offed ladyboys before, just for a good night's conversation.

    But as for liking them sexually, I've never really understood it. I don't mean this to sound judgmental in any way, but just as a basic observation, why would someone feel compelled to go with a guy who's had surgery to change from a male to a female, as opposed to a real female who was like it from birth?

    Or did I answer my own question in the first sentence of the second paragraph?

  8. #8
    Forum's veteran
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    Dec 2005
    Most ladyboys wouldn't dream of having their penises removed. Actually, in all my interactions with LB's, I've only known one to have this procedure done. On-the-other-hand, it seems like the majority do prefer breasts, either by getting a full blown boob job, or at least a set of small tits produced by popping hormones. They also prefer to have relationships with genuine "tops" for the obvious reasons. I agree that they definitely seem to understand men more than heterosexual women do, and, as a result, give the best blow jobs on the planet. Most prefer the "bottom" role, although have no hesitation in being versatile. It's an amazing sight watching him (her) slide those skin tight bikini undies off - as his huge dark boner springs into action. Not everybody's cup of tea...but works for me.

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