I have made some harsh comments about the new Birdcage and it is only fair to report in with the positive as well.
A trusted friend told me he had been in Birdcage very recently and that the boys were very hot and plentiful. :cheers:
Since the nite I visited was also a Isaan concert nite, I will revisit shortly and see for myself.

I also must admit I am not a big fan of non-sexual or non-erotic shows and like to see sexy men. I could easily live the
rest of my life without seeing a lip-synching ladyman or a fat ladyboy with a beer gut doing cartwheels. I go for the guys
in their briefs and will check back in after second visit.

Perhaps I will wait a few days and do some balloon chasing, as I do love roast pig and the Mexican pizza sounds too good to miss.
I hope the lighting is improved and they do something about those lasers. I believe kquill but still don't like the effect when it hits my
eyes and hope they have redirected them towards the walls or ceilings, just in case... :cat: