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Thread: Sunee Plaza Boy Bars Updates & News....

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran
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    Dec 2005

    Sunee Plaza Boy Bars Updates & News....

    For those who like to keep up the latest openings and new boy bars in Sunee Plaza, take note of the

    The Boy Bar formerly known as K-Boys Go Go Bar reopened after a very long hiatus and is now called
    Nice Boys Go Go Bar. It opened today and it was jammed with dancing boys and farang admirers.
    With no fanfare and no hype, Nice Boys did a great job for a soft opening (no balloons, etc) and somehow
    put together a large staff and got the punters in as well...

    The Italian/Thai restaurant last known as Berties, adjacent to Villa Rouge formerly known as Kaos, is under
    renovation and already has the new sign up. The new boy bar is called Uniform Boys and apparently is under
    British ownership.. No further info at this time but one can assume it will be a single shop-house go go boy bar..

    Still no sign at Jungle Boys, althou the beer bar part adjoining has reopened with a couple of hosts. Seems like jungle rot may
    have set in but I hope I am wrong and the bar gets its act together quickly.

    Euro Boys limping along and so far it is stop and go and on and off.. Boss really needs a good mamasan..

    Krazy Dragon was packed the other nite and many of the doormen and waitstaff were on the tables.. Apparently, the number of
    boys on the tables has been slipping the bosses insisted on the staff helping out. I heard that Krazy Dragon was starting to offer salaries
    again to the dancers instead of the free lancer system and this will ensure enough boys/guys every nite in the future. A tab more expensive
    no doubt but the bar is flat without boys/guys on the tables. Future looks very good for Krazy Dragon.. :cat:

  2. #2
    Senior member
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    Re: Sunee Plaza Boy Bars Updates & News....

    Quote Originally Posted by catawampuscat
    The new boy bar is called Uniform Boys and apparently is under
    British ownership..
    No Sex anymore
    Ofcourse I go with other Falang, it's my job, but you are the only one I love :)

  3. #3
    Senior member llz's Avatar
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    Cattie I came back from Pattaya one month ago and will be stuck in Boringland for quite a long time. So you can easily imagine in what kind of mood I am now and how much your reports are refreshing for the mind ... keep them going and thank you
    More on my blog at : llz.blogspot.com

  4. #4
    Senior member Shuee's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    i too like cats posts on SP bars/activity, it would seem that the 'real sunnee reporter' whohas a pair of red shoes as their advatar, seems to favour a certain set of bars owned by a particular farlang

    Anyway-Lets hope between these two we are well informed
    thank you
    i love you, i miss you.............. i lie you

  5. #5
    Forum's veteran
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    Dec 2005

    surprised to hear..

    This scoop reporter was surprised to hear that Top Man was open last nite in Sunee Plaza.. I thought only the pedo beer
    bars in Sunee were open but I stand corrected.. Top Man scheduled to have new blood and new show and hopefully some new boys
    very soon..

    I am still mystified that Jungle Boys in Sunee remains sign-less many many weeks after opening.. Someone said it had to do with paying taxes
    but it is queer (in the original sense) and I think a sign would help.

    Still the best and most fun bar, for those who are not turned off by the onset of puberty, is Krazy Dragon.. Cheap drinks, friendly guys, easy music, comfortable
    seating and fun fun fun.. Krazy only slips when the number of table dancers slips but otherwise, it is still the one..... :cat:

  6. #6
    Senior member
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    Sexy boss

    And also Cat! i think that Peter is one of the sexiest bar owners about Pattaya's Gay scean at this time. So with a sexy Krazy and a sexy boss its the bar that i like to visit when im in Thailand
    I spoke into his eyes. " I thought you died a long,-- a long long time ago".
    " OH NO! not me, i never lost control, your face to face with the Man who sold the world"

  7. #7
    I stopped by Villa Rouge the other evening for the 10 o'clock performance. My god, they must have searched Issan with great diligence in order to find so many boys so well prepared to perform in the 10 o'clock show. I was very impressed by the equipment, and I have seen more than my fair share of Asian equipment. This show will disprove all of those ugly stereotypes about Asians' less than impressive equipment...and prehaps may even cause some jealousy among those groups who are stereotyped as having very large equipment!!!!

  8. #8
    I stopped by Villa Rouge the other evening for the 10 o'clock performance. My god, they must have searched Issan with great diligence in order to find so many boys so well prepared to perform in the 10 o'clock show. I was very impressed by the equipment, and I have seen more than my fair share of Asian equipment. This show will disprove all of those ugly stereotypes about Asians' less than impressive equipment...and prehaps may even cause some jealousy among those groups who are stereotyped as having very large equipment!!!!

  9. #9

    future for euro boys

    some one told me euro boy has been sold to the owner from the place 2be so may by with a new broom in the house euro boy will pick up business again

  10. #10
    Forum's veteran
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    the moon

    Re: Sexy boss

    Quote Originally Posted by jolyjacktar
    And also Cat! i think that Peter is one of the sexiest bar owners about Pattaya's Gay scean at this time. So with a sexy Krazy and a sexy boss its the bar that i like to visit when im in Thailand
    Didn't FAt Boy Billy (the Drink and Dasher) also sing the praisses of Top Man

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