Quote Originally Posted by Gaybutton View Post
Do you talk with the boy of interest first, tell him what you want, and see if he agrees to do as you ask? If he knows in advance what he is agreeing to do and what is expected of him, maybe it won't be so difficult.
Well, in the BKK places I have visited (just found old notes, must have been >30, but at last 20+ closed by now) this was never ever a prob for me and rather often the boy exceeded in performing what could reasonably be expected from him for the basic tip. Guys who did their job above expectation I would take again and it mostly turned out even better. As it seems from reports most guys now working in the Jowmtien shops are Khmer-over there the request for ´special service´ also did the trick (admittedly quite a few yrs ago by now and not that many times).
This long list of colour codes I remember also to have seen, but it will not work in TH-tipically farang style.
As der Christian again points at- some savvy online shops in Buffalo Bridge (Sapan Kwai/Kwoy for those in the know) have it presented-with decently clothed guys and some details. There seems to be some Chinese sites (likely from pre-covid) that may tell/show more, but only in chinese.
And there is still Thaimassageboy.com though this seems to live on as long as it lasts