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Thread: Flying Too Close to the Sun

  1. #1
    Senior member
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    Flying Too Close to the Sun

    I first saw him in the Kings Road, Chelsea, one unsuspecting afternoon. My bulging eyeballs zoomed in on that long blond hair, beautiful face, slinky, denim-clad body. He had a Doberman puppy on a lead and was accompanied by a wispy-haired guy about twenty years his senior. They didn't look like father and son. Lucky older guy, I thought. A few weeks later I saw him again, this time standing alone and a little tensely against a wall in the grimy concourse of Piccadilly Circus tube station. It was late evening and quite busy. He inhabited his own little magical space. I was an inexperienced picker-up of boys back then, in the early 1980s, and I hesitated. Was he as available as he looked? I noticed another guy staring at him on the point of a predatory pounce and I made up my mind. I stepped in first and said something romantic like 'Do you want some business?' He looked a little surprised and said 'What?' 'Oh, I'm sorry,' I replied, confused myself now and turning to retreat. 'No, wait,' he said. And that was that. Our relationship had begun.

    On the train journey back to my terraced house in Wimbledon I was very nervous, still scarcely able to believe my good fortune in having netted such a gorgeous creature. I kept expecting him to change his mind and call things off. The earth didn't exactly move during the sex, which was decidedly one-sided in enthusiasm, but it was enough for me that I was naked in bed with someone I found unimprovably desirable. The slim, smooth, lightly-muscled body with its faint sweet perfume, the perfect cock, the sensational arse, the strong, prominent-cheekboned, blue-eyed face framed on the pillow by that wavy blond hair. My very own Teutonic god!

    I saw him a couple more times in quick succession. His name was Steve, he was twenty (twelve years younger than me) and from Vancouver. His father was Swiss-German and his mother Italian. He had had to leave Vancouver in a hurry, but was vague as to details – drugs, local gangsters, police, all seemed to have been involved. The guy I had seen him with in the Kings Road was now in prison for credit-card fraud (his just desserts, I thought gleefully) and Steve was living on in their Chelsea apartment under threat of imminent eviction. That was no doubt why, after a little hesitation, he agreed to move in with me, accompanied by one Doberman bitch puppy.

    In no time at all I had fallen utterly, giddily in love with him. It was a bit scary. I was aware that we were a complete mismatch by any normal standards. He was a devil-may-care, party-loving extrovert. I was an introverted, fearful homeboy. In those days I was running a not-very-profitable horse-race betting business from home (don't ask) and had lodgers upstairs to pay the mortgage. I was in no position to support Steve financially. He didn't seem to mind about that. In his brief time in England he had made some very wealthy connections – company directors, a record producer. Occasionally he would go to see one of them to top up his funds. I wasn't jealous. I knew he was not impressed by shows of wealth and found these people boring. After a long weekend in Barbados with the record producer he came back in a bad mood. Not only had he been bored, but angered by the guy's attempts to control him. Big no-no.

    I had soon realised that the only way our odd-couple relationship was going to work was if I gave Steve plenty of freedom. In the daytime we would walk the dog on Wimbledon Common, play golf (badly) at various local courses or just hang out with friends (mainly ones he'd introduced) at home. We had a lot of good times. I became an unconvincing, part-time dope smoker – Steve was the expert, capable, I do believe, of rolling a joint in a force nine gale with one hand behind his back. In gatherings, perhaps out on the lawn, he was always the centre of attention. He could be outrageous and very funny. His pleasant, twangy North American accent was ever ready to turn into rippling laughter. I found it fascinating to observe the reaction of newcomers, male or female, for whom nothing in their reserved English upbringing had quite prepared them for this wild and glamorous figure. Eyes would widen in awe as all self-will drained from bodies. It happened time and time again.

    The evenings were when Steve did his own thing. He was bisexual with a preference for women. As he put it himself, 'I like having sex with guys, but I need to have sex with chicks.' So off he would go to West End night clubs and goodness knew where else. I found this the hardest part to deal with. I knew I had become a sort of safe haven for him from the emotional turbulence of his life. He could be surprisingly vulnerable, the result I think of a difficult childhood - his father, a tough hockey coach, would beat him sometimes and one day, in his teens, he awoke to find his naked mother straddling him in an act of seduction. You get the idea. So he valued my calming influence. But there was a constant anxiety that he would grow attached to one of his (many) girlfriends and leave me. In the early days he was always home by midnight, but that gradually stretched out later and later until he might not return at all. I never gave him a hard time about it the next day, but he could see how sad it made me. On more than one occasion he told me with commendable honesty, 'I won't be here forever, Pete.' I would just nod and look away. Didn't want to face it.

    So many extraordinary things happened in the eleven months we lived together that I can't possibly mention them all. Here's just one of them. I saw an ad for people wanting to make a first parachute jump. I, who can get giddy just looking over a roadside kerb, promptly suggested that we should do it. It was one of my increasingly desperate attempts to impress him and keep him in my life. We did the 'training course' which mainly consisted of flopping about on rubber mats in some sports hall. Easy-peasy. Then one Saturday afternoon we drove down to Ashford airfield in Kent for the jump. It was a beautiful, calm summer's day, not a cloud in the sky. We got kitted out (I still have a photo of it that makes me smile: me stoical-looking, Steve grinning, our trusty Doberman bitch by Steve's side) and awaited our turn. About four o'clock, when we were due off next, the lightest of breezes got up, but because we were first-timers it was decided to end jumping for the day. I was both disappointed and relieved. I was keyed up to go but, faced with that open hatchway at two thousand feet, could I have overcome my fear (correction: terror) and jumped? I have no doubt that Steve would have jumped. Would I have risked broken bones, a heart attack or something else injurious to my health in order to avoid looking like a total wimp before my beloved? I honestly don't know. I've often wondered if my guardian angel had a better idea of the answer than me and sent that puff of wind accordingly. In the following week I read a report of a guy who had plunged to his death when his parachute failed to open. For some reason we never got round to going back for another attempt.

    Towards the end of our time together I felt I was heading for a nervous breakdown. All those nights lying in bed wondering whether he would return or not, the endless phone calls which were almost always for him, the way my own sexual needs were being more and more ignored. Anyone with an ounce of sense would have known that it was time to end this thing. I just couldn't do it. Any degree of unhappiness seemed preferable to life without Steve. Laboratory rats given only painful options become lethargic and depressed. I was becoming lethargic and depressed.

    Then events took a hand. Steve went to Switzerland for a few days, intending to renew his visa upon his return to the UK. But immigration officials weren't playing ball. They didn't believe his story that he was planning to do a language course and refused him entry. I drove down to Dover with the dog in the back of the car, barely able to focus on the road ahead in my anxiety. There was a tearful reunion in an anonymous immigration room; we hugged, Steve hugged the dog. But there was nothing to be done. Back in Wimbledon I remember letting the dog out into the garden, where she sniffed about happily, while I sat myself down at the kitchen table and bawled my eyes out.

    It took me two years to get over Steve's departure. I lost a lot of weight early on. Steve had a hard time at first too, settling into his new life in Switzerland. We exchanged letters; his were very sweet and (sort of) flattering. ('Thanks for everything which was everything,' he wrote in one. 'I will never find someone like you. No one else understands me.') I went to visit him a couple of times, but found it hard to cope with the presence of women he'd met in England. As time went on, I came to understand that I had been lucky. Our parting was inevitable sooner or later. Given my darkening mood in those last weeks it could all easily have ended much worse than it did. This way we had remained friends, I had inherited a soppy Doberman bitch that I loved to bits and I had made some lasting friendships through Steve that led to some unusual business opportunities in Thatcher's entrepreneurial Britain. Yes, pretty damn lucky all things considered.

    I last spoke to Steve by phone in 1988 after my first trip to Thailand (where my addiction to surface beauty was to get me into a lot more trouble over the years). He had married a Swiss girl by then and had a young family. When I jokingly suggested that he accompany me on a trip to Thailand, he got all serious and said no, he couldn't do that, the wife wouldn't like it. I thought he sounded a bit cowed which surprised me – not the free-spirited Steve I remembered. He also sounded a little embarrassed, as if he no longer wanted to be reminded of his past. I never phoned again. To this day I've had no further news of him. An internet search brings up nothing. He still makes an appearance in my dreams every few months. In the dream he is still twenty, incredibly sexy, and returning from some adventure to visit me. The erotic promise is never quite fulfilled though. I wake up with a deep sense of yearning and sadness. It quickly fades as I get on with another day.

  2. 8 Users gave Like to post:

    a447 (February 4th, 2022), Brad the Impala (February 5th, 2022), christianpfc (February 5th, 2022), dab69 (March 6th, 2022), francois (February 4th, 2022), Nirish guy (February 4th, 2022), Ruthrieston (February 5th, 2022), Smiles (February 14th, 2022)

  3. #2
    Senior member
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    Pennsylvania USA

    Re: Flying Too Close to the Sun

    Quote Originally Posted by snotface View Post
    I first saw him in the Kings Road, Chelsea, one unsuspecting afternoon. My bulging eyeballs zoomed in on that long blond hair, beautiful face, slinky, denim-clad body.

    The evenings were when Steve did his own thing. He was bisexual with a preference for women. As he put it himself, 'I like having sex with guys, but I need to have sex with chicks.'
    'I won't be here forever, Pete.' I would just nod and look away. Didn't want to face it.

    Towards the end of our time together I felt I was heading for a nervous breakdown. All those nights lying in bed wondering whether he would return or not, , the way my own sexual needs were being more and more ignored. Anyone with an ounce of sense would have known that it was time to end this thing. I just couldn't do it. Any degree of unhappiness seemed preferable to life without Steve.
    I was becoming lethargic and depressed.

    I last spoke to Steve by phone in 1988 .
    Wow, beautifully written.... How many of us have this story in our lives? Change some details... I have the same. I'm a codependent enabler. I rescued him, I was 36, he was a month shy of 19. He seduced me. 6'2" dark brown hair, piecing eyes, with beautiful posture and an ass i could not keep my face out of. oh, and his musk.....!

    He really didn't like kissing then (even girls) or sucking, he only wanted my cock in his ass. I was happy to comply. he said he loved me and did silly things to show it. but after every fuck he need to go make out with a girl to restore his ego/id. I was really in love for the first and only time in my life. (infatuation? hormonal slide?). i put up with anything.

    He left me and the kids after about a year (German Shephard Christmas present and a pregnant Rottweiler - rescue). My life collapsed, I quit my job, sold the house and took a new job in Atlanta. 2 weeks before i left, he showed up broke, with a broken leg. I made room in the truck for what was left of his stuff.

    For the next three years we lived together in 2 bedroom condo. He had girl friends... he would leave the curtains open so I could watch from the balcony. after he fucked them he would often come my bedroom to talk to "dad". I would put a load in his ass and he would go back with a reinvigorated hardon and fuck them again... his slimy, loose hole undiscovered..

    the relationship was very different, caring but more mercenary. I got sex when he wanted something.. or just randomly. but he would do a lot more (kissing sucking, even occasionally fuck me). three more years like this. I was on the road 3 weeks out of 5 and he had a condo on Piedmont park to himself. we immersed ourselves in the Atlanta gay culture and he experimented with men and women. I had Atlanta rent boys and a couple bad BF relationships. we were not a couple...

    I had enough, I left him and moved to a job in Florida. we were still talking, friends.... he followed me, but we never lived together again. to him I was the father he never had who also fulfilled a strange sexual need. he got married, I had three ways with him and his wife. she did him (and me) with a strap on. he had a son who looked like me.

    I left Florida 20 years ago. I still visit, I am father to him and grandfather to a 20 yro bisexual kid now. they wants me to retire with him.

    many fond and painful memories. if I could go back would i do it again....? i don't know.

  4. 4 Users gave Like to post:

    a447 (February 4th, 2022), Brad the Impala (February 5th, 2022), christianpfc (February 5th, 2022), dab69 (March 6th, 2022)

  5. #3
    Moderator a447's Avatar
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    Re: Flying Too Close to the Sun

    Loving these stories.

  6. #4
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    Re: Flying Too Close to the Sun

    Thanks for the kind comments. I've had a request to post some pictures of my 'Teutonic god'. I can't see why not. All this happened forty years ago. These pictures of Steve were taken in Switzerland. The last one is of the Doberman I inherited. Her name was Sacha and she was the canine love of my life.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  7. 3 Users gave Like to post:

    arsenal (February 5th, 2022), Brad the Impala (February 5th, 2022), Ruthrieston (February 6th, 2022)

  8. #5
    Forum's veteran Brad the Impala's Avatar
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    Re: Flying Too Close to the Sun

    Great stories, thanks

  9. #6
    No Platformed
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    Re: Flying Too Close to the Sun

    Quote Originally Posted by snotface
    In the daytime we would walk the dog on Wimbledon Common
    No mention of night time activities on Wimbledon Common? I was particularly reminded of the episode "Mr Fox" in that wonderful television series of Absolute Power. As for your relationship sharing a bisexual guy with a woman I recalled the Peter Finch film Sunday, Bloody Sunday, where the Peter Finch character muses at the end about half a loaf being perhaps not so bad after all (the female lover is played by Glenda Jackson before she went completely loopy and ended up a Labour MP). As for evocative phrases there's always that one that's the title of a novel "Books Do Furnish A Room", where one of the principal characters has the name dear arsenal finds so apposite X Trapnel

  10. #7
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    Re: Flying Too Close to the Sun

    Quote Originally Posted by StevieWonders View Post
    No mention of night time activities on Wimbledon Common?
    Not my style at all. I had a dear friend who was into it though - nocturnal adventures mainly on Hampstead Heath, occasionally Wimbledon Common. He told me he would sometimes return to his flat at three in the morning covered in mud. Whatever turns you on…

  11. User who gave Like to post:

    Brad the Impala (February 7th, 2022)

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