Quote Originally Posted by a447 View Post
Like many others I have had some bad experiences with Chinese tour groups whilst travelling..
Dont even start me on the run in's I've had with the buggers at various breakfast bars in Hotels. Punches were almost thrown they were that rude and pushy, not to metion them grabbiing newly delivered plates of fresh bacon etc, all by the handful ( and I mean quite literally with their hands)

The worst being that after them getting my blood boiling enough for me to explode they then look at me with a "WHATTTTTT???? what are you getting so annoyed about" as they head back to their already overflowing table thats already coming down with a ton of wasted food, while I'm left standing there with steam coming out of my ears ready to kill dead things!

Like Goji i too have had many "pushing" incidents and thankfully they do tend to get the message after a while ( until the next time at least) - or so I like to tell myself anyway.