Vigil is fiction, but a two part documentary about the real life nuclear submarine HMS Trenchant called, Submarine: Life Under the Waves will be shown tonight (September 13th, 2021) in the UK on Channel 5. It will be interesting to compare the two. Vigil has come in for criticism from those who have served in the Royal Navy, but it is fiction after all and, I assume, much was done for dramatic effect.

For the first time British cameras have been given access on board a hunter-killer submarine on live operations. Submarine: Life Under the Waves goes on board HMS Trenchant, a nuclear submarine, on its four month tour of duty to the mid-Atlantic to uncover the reality of life at sea. Living in extremely close quarters the crew are tasked with helping guard the UK’s Trident missiles and keeping British waters safe.

HMS Trenchant is a Trafalgar-class nuclear-powered submarine. Together with the Astute class, the three Trafalgar-class submarines make up the Royal Navy’s hunter-killer submarine force. Trenchant is equipped with the ferocious Tomahawk cruise missile, which can destroy a target from up to 1,000 miles away.

All Royal Navy submarines are nuclear-powered, giving them virtually unlimited range and the ability to stay submerged for as long as the crew's food supply holds out.

This is the first in a brand new, two-part documentary series that will no doubt fascinate fans of BBC One’s huge drama series Vigil . . .
For the full article see: THE VERSION