I guess it all depends on the number, frequency and times between each of your encounters when on holiday perhaps, plus that mixed in with s usual lack of decent sleep ( Thai hard mattresses having a lot to answer for there too!) plus an intake of alcohol over an extended period.

But hey it you like to rest and sleep and let your body recover "naturally" between shags you go right ahead, me I'm going to push mine as much as i possibly can ( within reason) to get every last bit of fun out of it I can before it decides to end me !

I guess it goes to tha age old question of we happy dying a bit younger having burnt the candle at both ends (and the middle in my case usually) or live a quieter life, living "naturally" and living to the ripe old age of 100 - all so that we can rest easy in a nice comfy chair in a nursing home somewhere whilst sitting in our own shit and piss - I know option I'm going for !