Totally agree re the Scotland jaunt - but I think it was more a case of them knocking "something" together out of nothing, but as you say it was all a bit contrived and felt like even they weren't buying it this time. It was interesting to read the other day how they said they found it tough as they kept bumping into just about every other UK "world roving" TV Show that exists and their film crews while filming and in every town they stopped at they kept bumping into more, to the point where it became funny / annoying. I'm sure the Scottish TV production economy must be doing very well out of this world "lockdown" and english TV show making needing "somewhere" to go and Scotland seemingly being "it".

Mind you after seeing all those various shows it did put Scotland in my head somewhat and in fact I've just booked myself and a few friends to head off to Edinburgh this very weekend no less, see, who says advertising doesn't work eh !