Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post
Please don't tell me you believe this is all a secret Chinese military plan being put into action...
I don't believe anything as quite frankly i dont know WHAT to believe anymore. Between KGB Propaganda, American Propaganda, Chinese Propaganda and every other fucker who seems to be at it my head is pickled, all I know is if it's proven some Country 'made" Covid by fuck I'm calling it that fucking Chinese / America/ Russian ( an Country to be inserted thereafter being caught at it ) Covid !

Of Course if China had let the WHO inspectors in straight away and not made them wait a year and even then turn them away when they arrived at the border I'd be a little less suspicious of the buggers and what they felt they had to hide perhaps !

BUT as I say as I distrust ALL Governments fairly equally god knows WHAT the truth is and if there IS something other than "nature" behind it you can be shit sure that plebs such as ourselves will never get to hear the REAL truth behind it all, that part I have NO doubt about !