Your key words there of course Oliver2 be cover "should be available" - but it's not and my own insurer has made it fairly clear that it wont be being added to policies any time soon at ANY price. I guess an insurer has to have SOME idea of the risks and costs involved to let them even think about generating a cover premium to charge but without that info (yet) they simply aren't in a position to do that and are in no rush to take that chance and so will leave it up to ourselves to negate that risk or not without own money if we go ahead and travel.

its a bit like the whole business interruption (scam) that the insurers have ust gotten away with pulling on just about every business owner who pays them for "Business Interruption Cover". So, Covid hits, business turnover falls off a cliff for most businesses and business IS interrupted. We call our insurers to claim on the special policy we have in our cover for just such a situation, only to be told "ahhh yes you're covered, but only for things listed in your policy ( fire, flood, pestilence and literally just about EVERY other conceivable thing imaginable) BUT we dont cover you if it was Covid that interrupted your business".

What says we, but this is EXACTLY why we have your cover to cover us against unexpected interruption to our business, which their reply is "ahh but we only cover you for things we KNOW about and that we've listed in your policy and you'll see that Covid isn't listed there so that means no, sorry you're not covered for that. But says we, but it COULDN'T have been listed as it didn't even exist 6 months ago when we took out our policies - AHHHH EXACTLY say's them, there you go and THAT is why you're not covered you see !

Total chicken and egg situation and I fear the same situation will end up occurring with travel insurance, at least for now they ARE being specific and telling you straight, you're not covered about ANYTHING to do with Covid full stop. Although I see my insurance has sneakily really made that ANYTHING linked to covid so that even if you're fine and your flight is cancelled etc just as normal just to some government decree that TOUGH, if that was even remotely linked to a Covid situation in any way even your normal flight cancellation cover etc is void too ! A great new way for them to get out of all SORTS of claims in the future I'm guessing.