Quote Originally Posted by Jellybean View Post
I look forward with interest to reading your reviews following your test drives of the Jaguar tonight and the Tesla S at the weekend.

Well I'll not bore every one with my thoughts much on the cars as there's a ton of websites that offer a much better review than I ever will, suffice to say I'm raging as I went to the Jag dealership mentally quite minded that I was actually getting a Tesla and was just ticking the Jag off the list - HOWEVER - I left the dealership now more confused than ever as the Jag is also a great car ( and a bit cheaper too than the Tesla S range that it directly compares too).

I guess the one main difference being that Jaguar is a company who KNOW how to build a car and have done so well and then added their battery tech to that, whereas Tesla seem to be more a company who know about batteries and the like and have come up with loads of trendy / geeky features and then added wheels around those ideas.

The cars in question :

( SE or HSE models - around £72K, 5k deposit and £774pm PCP, actual cost to be after tax and fuel benefits added back is about £480 pmon PCP)

( Long range model around £80k,10K deposit and £746 pm PCP, actual after tax and fuel benefits added back is about £635)

- ( long range option - around £48k and about £608pm PCP - actual cost to me after all tax and fuel savings factored in is about £431)

I have to admit on paper the Jag looks like the "sensible" option, but after feeling that drive and the torque in that Tesla ...OMG....who wants sensible perhaps :-)

PS lovely to see that this thread developed as it did. I was fully expecting to get slaughtered for it :-) But nice to see we are at some level all normal people with real world interests too ........well SOME of the of the time anyway, this is when we ( and I ) are not busy discussing off fess and and complaining that 300 baht in a bar is just to high for a beer that is :-) lol