I think you're over thinking it, I agree the whole "normal" thing - total waste of time and I gave up trying to put myself in a box a long time ago. What I DO think is valuable and not to be ignored lightly is life experience and whilst of course one can't take what everyone or anyone else says as "gospel" if you're talking to a crowd of older men in say a pub and each and every one says "you know what I SO regret working so long when I could have retired earlier and now my body is fucked and I can't" to me that's a valid opinion and one that I would certainly note. Not saying I'd rush out and leave my job over night but it would certainly stick in my mind.

I remember when I first started out in business 20 years ago or so and was full of the joys of spring and full of energy and would have worked the clock round, both to get going and as I was enjoying it and on asking an old(er) business man for what I thought was business advice he thought for a moment and side " take holidays". I couldn't quite get my head around his thinking and thought he was just getting old and tired, I NOW understand what he meant and he was of course absolutely right, both as it does help you focus when you return recharged, but also ( and what he meant) was that "life short and dont waste all your time working son". I'm glad to say I did heed his advice at almost every opportunity and have never regretted it.

So, there's just one good example of learning and taking advice from others and this thread was meant in the same vein i.e would older members suggest " hey its great having a big(ger) pension now that I'm older after doing with less whilst younger as now I can relax more" or perhaps "FUCK, I'm crazy, why did I save all that money as I could have been out enjoying myself and now I'm stuck here pissing into a hospital jar every hour" ( ha cause that's OBVIOUSLY how older people spend their days !) - joking !!!

So, THAT was my thinking and the reason for my fairly innocent question, not designed for any deep and meaningful soul searching, more just a light chat and discussion, which as we can all observe the board seems a bit lacking in perhaps of late maybe.