Well now, if I wasn't going off to slit my wrists BEFORE I DEFINITELY am now .......

Ha, actually aside from the whole bits falling off you thing I guess one benefit in getting older is that you've learnt to take things in your stride more and generally have a bit more "wit" ( i.e street smarts) than when you were 20 or 30 and so you can smell bullshit when it's being directed at you a whole lot quicker and deal with it accordingly in a much speedier fashion than you would have before perhaps.

You also tend to give a shit less about people and they might think of you too, either about the whole gay thing certainly or just about life in general, so those to me are two definite positives.

And re the whole having more wit thing I guess as you go through life you may not notice that so easily, but when you've a younger guy living with you can see that much more quickly as you point out some very obvious (to you) pitfalls that they're about to make in their life or their work meaning you do tend to stop and just stand back and think "shit, I guess I MUST have learnt SOMETHING up to now after all" !

The other smart part of there then is of course also knowing ( or at least trying to guess) when to stand back and allow your other half to make the obvious mistake that you can see coming, so that they too can learn from their OWN mistakes and not always from yours - as sometimes as I've found its just easier, quicker and you get more thanks AFTER the event for just being there to help pick up the pieces WAY more than you do for always saying "hmmm, you know, I maybe wouldn't do that if I were you because......"

Other plus points are that as you realise how the world "really" works you tend not to stand in line waiting for silly things like some new iPhone x etc and learn what is "really" more important like a nice cup of coffee as you watch the sun come up or set ( whilst then sending your younger half down to stand in the above queue as THEY foolishly think that those things are SO important

Meanwhile as for bus pass, as I think those aren't issued here until actual legal retirement age (67) I think I'll just go back to getting ready to cut my wrists again just ...well, I would if my memory wasn't also failing me so badly that I can't seem to remember where I left my damned stanley knife !