Yeah, it's my money he's using to build the bungalow. He's a good little saver, I tell ya!

He's broke now, but at least he and his old man will have a nicer place to live in. Not sure how he's going to build his planned kitchen and bathroom with no money, but whatever, up to him.

Yeah, I'm back to not caring. Just finished a nice 4 day holiday with my brother and sister-in-law, so spending time with them helped me put things into perspective. Went to some small island called Salt Spring -- was good.

Now I'm just pissed off because I think I may have lost my main business partner due to my delays while I was being emotionally and mentally tortured. Probably didn't lose him though, but I think he'll just make me wait until I get my new software platform 100% before completing the deal. See what happens.