Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post
This is easy.


"leaving, leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again".
Did you sing that to Leo as they led you away in handcuffs perhaps ? How very romantic of you if you did.......at least the last part was true.

Getting back to the point of the thread.....I'd love to be posting some wind swept and interesting link to some life changing music but the harsh truth is that honestly I'm sitting here with the soundtrack to "The Book of Mormon" playing in the background while doing other stuff ( I went to see it the other day and the damned tunes have stuck in my head ! I do apologise in advance !

And before anyone asks no, I'll not be signing up to join if they knock my door......although if two innocent looking, clean living, hot American 19 year old guy in crisp white shirts DO knock my door and ask to come in I MAY have another whole plan unhatched very quickly to corrupt the pair of them whilst introducing THEM to the joys of the dark side ! But THAT as they say would be a whole other story ! lol