Quote Originally Posted by a447 View Post
Last holiday Nom was still working in a bar in Jomtien Complex with his brother, but he told me he was trying out a job at a resort hotel. If things worked out, he would leave the scene in Pattaya and take the job on full-time. And that's what he has done...

He is obviously still a money boy, albeit now part-time - the fact that he comes to Pattaya to meet me proves that. But when he's with me he is not being paid his hotel wage.
Out of curiosity, how does Num get time off to spend days at a time with you? Thai bosses are not very generous in granting leave and hotels in particular invest a lot in staff training - even low-level staff - to want to let their staff come and go as they please. And they don't hire off-the-truck daily-rated workers because of their lack of training and also for security reasons.

I've met farangs with their supposedly employed significant others or special 'friends' who seem to be able to take off work for days and weeks at a time whenever the farang is in town. I'm curious as I have Thai friends who work in schools, banks and private firms who find it tough to get a day off to attend the funeral of a loved one and maybe get a week of vacation time per year (most of them have been at their jobs for less than five years).