Quote Originally Posted by scottish-guy View Post
...Of course I was spending a lot of cash (maybe 3 bottles of JWBL a night in those days)...

As is still the case I believe, the Water supply in Silom is not 100% reliable and one evening I went into Screw Boy and the water went off at one point. They had a DJ at that time (from Dundee of all places) and he made the following completely serious announcement:

"The water has gone off and the toilets cannot be flushed - so if anybody needs a pee it's fine but if you need a shit please come to the bar and ask for a carrier bag"! Over the years I've tried to visualise (haven't practiced I assure you) on how you could actually hold a carrier bag open and shit in it at the same time but to date I still can't figure it out
I assume you didn't drink those three bottles per night alone?

In 2013, my toilet was blocked for over a day. For lack of other choice, I used plastic bags for the activity quoted above. It didn't pose any difficulty. Then, short of calling a technician, I managed to solve the blockage with soda and hot water. That leads to the observation that basically (here I mean the chemical term, the opposite of acidic) hydrolyzed poo has a characteristic smell.