Quote Originally Posted by lonelywombat View Post
In the last few days whilst searching several tv live networks and the various print outlets, there was confusion as to what was going on. Even today Tuesday morning, clashing reports as to whether the weakest boys or strongest were bought out first.
Next some papers say nobody is allowed to know boy's names ,but other papers have the names, photos and details of their first meals.
CNN newscast stated no ambulances had arrived at the hospital ,yet another station showed the choppers arriving with a boy being transported. Obviously the distance between the landing zone caused the complications.

So why does frequent read my posts if he is not interested, or does he do so to make another insane comment about a poster
It is impossible to be accurate if the news outlets do not agree. Frequent is expecting professional reporting that matches his incredible sense of his own importance to this board. He is the only person that believes that.

Guess we now know more of frequents accurate reporting.
As I say, lonely, take it up with the Mods. I've already taken one of my own posts up with them, based on your reaction, so I expect you to pull your weight here