I just wish this fucken cunt would be honest, and say what everyone knows he's thinking. He doesn't like brown people from "shithole" countries. At least just come clean and own your stance, instead of blaming this on Democrats and shit.

Also, why not just start a "work 4 residency" program, or something? You want to be part of a US community? Prove it, civil service for 6 years. Throw an ankle bracelet on them, and put them to work making America great again. There's loads of work to be done, I'm sure. Farmers and ranchers in the US are complaining nowadays because of the shortage of unskilled labor, there's city streetws that need to be cleaned, weeds need to be pulled, grafitti needs cleaned, I'm sure churches, soup kitchens and homeless shelters could use more sets of hands, and so on. About 1/3 of the food produced is wasted, so get them to pick it, clean it, package it, and deliver it to the food banks and churches around the country. Use the money saved on food stamps to help pay for the transportation.

I'm sure a good handful of those hitting the US border know how to drive truck, and the US is currently running a huge shortage of truck drivers to the point it's driving the cost of goods up, so there you go, a new supply of truck drivers more than happy to do the job in exchange for living somewhere peaceful. I would imagine there's some good mechanics, engineers, teachers, and so on in the mix too, so place people where they're best fit. And the list goes on and on and son....

Give them very basic shelter, equivalent to military barracks and without a fridge even would be fine. Get them to sign a contract commiting to 6 years of civil service @ 40 hours/week, give them basic shelter and food, and pay them like $3/hour. They'll only be working 40 hours/week, so have time for a second job if they want to earn extra money. Put an ankle bracelet on them, and tell them to make sure to show up for civil service work every day, or they'll be caught and deported. After 6 years, they get a green card.

Maybe I'm stupid, but that seems like a win-win-win-win situation. These guys get asylum, the US gets low wage workeers to help build and maintain the country, families don't get separated, after 56 years of civil service they will feel vested in the community hence feel as though they have a social responsibility so much less likely to become criminals, and the list goes on.