Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post
I have no idea why they care, go ask the Canadian government. Apparently, us plebs in society aren't capable of anything in Canada, so every last detail of our lives needs to be regulated to the tilt. Or if you don't believe me, go Google it.

It's not strictly law, but it is a regulation, and an immigration officer can lift it if they want. I've unfortunately been unsuccessful because of that stupid blacklist stamp, which makes me out to be some hardened criminal, hence the government doesn't exactly seem to be too willing to assist me in anything.

In other words, they're just being cunts for the simple fact that they can be.
Strange country, Canada, most countries I know immigration officers are not responsible for issuing passports. Usually ones goes to the nearest town hall to be issued a passport. In any case, you have wasted enough time, loose it or wash it, hardly rocket science

By the way, forgive me for not following but how is dear Leo doing ? Did he re-unite with the dogs, or did he bugger off back to Savan ?