Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post
Recently I had something similar for a couple weeks, but it seems to have cleared up now. Seems as though I had to go every 15 minutes, and when I had to go I had to go, and had maybe 20 seconds to get to the bathroom. That, and only a very small dribble would come out each time, and 15 minutes later, off I went to the bathroom again and same thing. Wasn't painful, just annoying.

Lasted about two weeks, and just cleared up on its own a few days ago actually. Not sure what that was about, but since it's never happened to me before, only thing I can think of is I accidentally drank a little bit of cleaner for the coffee maker right around the time this started. My mom cleaned out the coffee maker, but didn't rinse it out well enough, so when I made a cup, it was mixed with a bit of the cleaner. I drank about 80% of the cup, before asking my mom to taste it, and sure enough it was off and she knew why. No idea if that's what caused it or not, but since it's never happened to me before, that's the only thing I can think of. Maybe caused a mild bladder infection, or something.
Maybe worth getting the prostate checked.