Quote Originally Posted by paborn View Post
As to the airport, please forgive me; but this is silly. Why would any person reply with anything other than "on holiday" . I'm not a catholic and do not support the idea of a "sin of omission" Not volunteering information is not a lie; especially when so personal. Good God, when Mom asked if you slept well did you volunteer your mastubatory practices or did you "LIE" like any rational youth?
You are right of course. But I see a difference between family/friends/collegues and all others.

I only feel shame when friends or family know something I rather keep secret (that I am a sex tourist for example). If a government employee (airport officer) who doesnt know me and I don't know him knows that about me, I don't feel any shame. Say you have erection problems. You care if some person knows that about you, a person who doesn't know you and you dont know him? Yet, you don't tell this easily to friends and family, then you start caring.

So there is a difference between voluntering information to unknown people versus known people.

So likewise I don't care if someone I don't know knows I am a sex tourist. I would care if people at work knew that about me. Because you can expect daily jokes about it etc.