Quote Originally Posted by Jellybean View Post
My hands, just for the record, are not that enormous or stretchable.
Wasn't it Donald Trump who was accused if that's the right word of having "small hands" during the 2016 presidential election? I think there was a suggestion that small hands = small "member virile". I have always thought the relationship between the size of different body parts tenuous at best. I saw a pic of a ballet dancer in full kit the other day, and the size of what appeared to be nestling in his jock strap was out of all proportion to the size of his feet. Capacity to fit is always an interesting one. There was that t-shirt popular ten years or so ago that said "I'm auditioning for a new girlfriend. Please yawn" (in our case it would be boyfriend of course).

I think I read somewhere that the correct form when addressing you is "Jelly, Old Bean". Or at least that's how another poster addressed you?