Quote Originally Posted by Thaiquila
Also, a lot of us queens are avoiding fried foods, so how about offering garlic mashed potatoes as a choice to the ever present fries?
I second that. French fried to death at home--And just as tired of those damned potatoes 'baked' (Steamed) in foil!

Quote Originally Posted by Thaiquila
Ever consider leading with your weakness and rename the place: The Bad Feng Sheui Cafe
FENG SHUI MAI DEE, has a ring to it.

Quote Originally Posted by Thaiquila
The dogs are good though, especially that fantastic Chihuahua! Sometimes funny or ironic names can really make a place a cult hangout....
THE STUD CHIHUAHUA? Oh, maybe that sounds too Mexican...Can Niddy make chile con carne?...Thai, chile con carne?

I think it's a lovely web site--But you might do better to replace some of the photos of furniture with food...Food being presented by Niddy & Nan...wearing red: Studies show red makes people hungry. Cute boys in red...AYOR!