Quote Originally Posted by gerefan2 View Post
Good attitude for a potential foster parent...suppose you won’t have them if they behave like a shithead, even for a few minutes?

Don’t forget it is YOU that is also under scrutiny, wanting to foster THEIR kids. All I have read about for far is how this will affect me, Me, ME...

You know, I’m not sure I would be happy to let you look after my cat for a day!

Well, of course they're going to be shitheads. They're kids, that's what kids do. Weren't you a shithead when you were a kid? I know I was, and I was actually a really good kid compared to my older brothers.

Now it just depends, how big of shitheads are they? Do they like to murder animals for fun, or are they little arsonists who love it when fire dances for them? Or are they just normal, typical kids who act crazy sometimes, and like to push the boundaries to see what they can get away with? If the former, then no, I don't want them. If the latter, then awesome, and can't wait. From what Leo desribes, I'm quite confident it's the latter, so no worries. Nonetheless, I want to be 100% certain about everything myself first.