Thanks for the information.

In the mean time I have spoken with my friend's boyfriend and he had a clearer memory. He told me that the places was in Nanjijn, and when I looked it up, it was listed as a place with money boys. It's called Red Bar if anyone is interested. I'm just sticking with Shanghai.

What this Utopia warning is concerned, I can do no more than laugh. No disrespect Fountainhall, but that website is has become pretty much irrelevant for me a long time ago. There are really better options around now a days. This one guy that has no clue about the dangers of certain activities and gets taken for some cash. Immediately there is a big old warning that "it should never be done." Well yes, clearly not by him. I've heard of many tricks, and in some of them, someone I knew was the target. I got my phone stolen once, but all of these situations had one thing in common; stupidity of the victim, which includes me. I appreciate a warning but refuse to believe that this is the norm.

I can give you guys a big old warning about scams in Vietnam. But this would be crazy. Most people will have a good old time and a very small percentage will get scammed. I agree that reading up on scams that are going on is a good thing but an all out cry for not to go cruising is really a big overreaction.

There will be a detailed report after my trip and I hope I can give some useful advice.

PS could the admin respond to my private message please?

PPS i might have confused some sites and there was only spoken about a particular street or zone here. The point is that I've read a couple of things on different sites and I did read these warnings, but it might not have been on this forum.