Quote Originally Posted by Jellybean View Post
" ... Or maybe, just maybe, Smiles might lay off the booze long enough to get up on time and catch the 08:30 departure and let us have one of his exceptionally well written trip reports. (Only joking about the booze, Smiles, in case it wasn’t obvious) ... "
OK OK ... I shall try the trip next week, on a Friday, and on the 13th.
You couldn't wish more unless I deliberately decide to throw myself overboard ~ all Hollywood ~ into the briny depths in the middle of the Gulf of Thailand screaming
"Sawatdee Sucks" just as I hit the one and only 5-meter-high rogue wave to be recorded in the last 300 years. Hey ... it could have been "Pattaya Sucks" which would've been more understandable.

Whatever, if you don't hear from me, we didn't make it ... and I don't mean anything like Christian's unbelievably pathetic excuse of an " ...
unfavorable time of 8:30 am ... ". Oh dear oh dear, Queen Elizabeth must not let her pale-but-unblemished skin come into contact with the morning sun. No wonder he hasn't had a decent fucking Thai Twink for over 6 years now.