Hmmm . . . curiouser and curiouser! cried Jellybean. Perhaps it is time that cdnmatt is summoned before me Lords, the Queen’s Justices to answer for his high crimes and misdemeanours.

On second thoughts, disregard my last comment. Think I got a bit carried away. What I meant to say is, well, it will be interesting to read what Matt says in reply to the posts made by ChristianPFC and a447. The plot thickens, as they say in all the best detective stories.

Oh, and by the by, and to sort of get back on topic, I used Emirates Business Class for the first time back in October. I have flown with Qatar Airlines for 10 years or so, but they increased their prices so much I could not justify the cost. I was very happy with the service provided by Emirates and, as long as their prices are not increased too much, I shall use them in preference to Qatar; unless they can match Emirates lower cost.