The entire post-Referendum disaster is far more like a Monty Python sketch than a bunch of supposedly responsible politicians whose primary duty is to look after the fate of the country. It's perfectly clear that with the possible exception of Nicola Sturgeon, no-one - absolutely no-one - had any detailed plan in place in the event that the majority voted for Brexit. Since Friday morning, we have seen panic, cover-ups, billions wiped off world stock markets, sterling at its lowest level for decades - and a political tsunami affecting UK politics that will not be resolved for months.

Even the Bresiteers seem shell-shocked. Boris Johnson MP was nowhere near the house of Commons on Monday when the result was debated. Was he afraid of the reception he'd get - or was he shoring up his base as he plans to be the next PM? The slimeball Farage spent yesterday at the European parliament - the body that must approve the terms of Britain's exit - in no uncertain terms insulting the President and members. Afterwards he told CNN it was just some form of innocent banter - just as he was "too nice a person" to correct the "mistake"/lie spread by him and his colleagues about £350 million per week of savings going to the National Health Service. And now there is serious talk amongst government back-benchers of moves to make a second referendum happen!

They say there is a very fine line between comedy and tragedy. I don't see many people laughing!