It is somewhat less well known but nevertheless true that Princess Margaret was also an accomplished sausage jockey (which is not a criticism, just a fact which spawned this joke):

The Queen and Princess Diana are travelling down The Mall in a Rolls Royce when suddenly the door is wrenched open and a masked gunman jumps inside.

Pointing to the Queen, the gunman says "Right, Ma'am - I want that Tiara youre always wearing - hand it over now, or else!"
The Queen holds her hands up towards her head and calmly says "Tiara? What tiara? I'm not wearing any tiara!"
"For fuck sake..." says the gunman "...Every time I see you on the telly you're wearing that tiara and now it's nowhere to be seen - that's just my fucking luck"

Turning to Princess Diana, the Gunman shouts "Right, Di - I want that ring you're always wearing - the one with the big blue stone Charlie gave you and you've been flashing about every day for years - hand it over, or else!"
Princess Diana stretches out her hand and says "Ring? What ring? As you can see I'm not wearing any ring!"
"Oh for fuck sake... says the gunman - "Every time I see you on the telly or in the papers you have that ring on - except today - that's just my fucking luck!"

"Right" says the exasperated gunman "That's it - since YOU don't have the Tiara and YOU don't have the ring, just both get out the fucking Rolls, I'm taking the car!" - which he does.

So the Queen and Diana are left standing in the middle of the road whilst the gunman screeches away in the Rolls Royce.

The Queen turns to Diana and says "Look dear, I happen to know that you WERE wearing that ring my son gave you when you got in the car and yet when the gunman demanded it, it was gone! What happened to it?"

"Well...", said Diana - "Out of the corner of my eye I actually saw the gunman coming towards us, so I took the ring off and I slipped it under my skirt and into a safe place" - and she motions towards her vagina.

"What a brillo wheeze!" says the Queen "You're going to go far in this firm"

"But hang on.." says Diana, "...I also happen to know something. When YOU got in the car you WERE wearing that tiara and when the gunman demanded it, you no longer had it - where did it go?"

"Well dear...", says the Queen "...I've been around a while and I also spotted the gunman approaching the car, so I whipped off the tira and I put it under my skirt and into a safe place" - again motioning towards her vagina.

They both agree that they have been very smart in outwitting the gunman and start walking down The Mall (rather gingerly, given the contents of their snatches)

Suddenly the Queen stops dead:

"Oh fuck, Diana - you realise what this means, dont you my dear....if only Margaret had been here, we could have saved the fucking Rolls!"