I think if there was evidence of people becoming infected with HIV through oral sex or something related, that they would have documented case studies and oral sex would be part of the strategy, as it is with Gonorrhea. Not that I'm saying there absolutely isn't, but there's not a lot of medical evidence of it.

The HIV virus has a very limited life span outside of the host. It's virulence is not in the transmission phase. It's how it mutates in the body and both the mouth and digestive system are harsh environments for the HIV virus to survive in outside the bloodstream.

I worry, especially for Thailand when I read some of the risks some young gay Thais take with "Hi Sex", a culture that's not something you hear of safe sex being practiced in. I'm sure anyone who has had sex with a Thai outside of the commercial sex scene may have encountered no thought on the Thai's part about safe sex at least once, if not a lot more.

I see the same thing back home as I sometimes go to the bathhouse. I don't see a lot of people taking the effort to reach for a condom. Whether this is because they're already infected, whether they're undetectable and think they're safe again or because getting HIV is no big deal anymore, given how many are infected and how easy the treatment is in some countries.

If anything, I'm surprised that they think only 90% of new infections are from unprotected sex. Where else would they become infected, given the amount of screening being done on the blood supply in 2016?
