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Thread: The Donald and dem ol' Obfuscation Blues ...

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran Smiles's Avatar
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    The Donald and dem ol' Obfuscation Blues ...

    Having watched many of Donald Trump's speeches and debate performances since last summer I've often found myself shaking my head and murmuring to myself things like '' ... how can this utter fool and massive liar get away with some of the crass nonsense he spews on every occasion possible ... ' . This bewilderment on my part is often elevated a few notches when, in the background behind his lectern, one can view the huge smiles, wild applause and tearful idolatry the crowd so obviously possess for him and his never-subtle 'Weltanschauung'.

    And then this, in the Jan 14 version of The New Yorker. http://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-sh ... st-popular
    Very funny, right on the mark, tagging the man's smarmy demagoguery to a tee. [I doubt The Crowd reads TNY].

    Mrs. Abernathy called the roomful of eleven-year-olds to order and told them to open their math books to page thirty-one. Her eyes scanned the class and came to rest on a stocky boy beneath a dome of golden hair, who was making grotesque faces at a girl in leg braces.

    тАЬDonald! What is the square root of a hundred and forty-four?тАЭ

    The boy turned his attention to the teacher with sleepy-eyed indifference.

    тАЬIтАЩm sorry, what did you say?тАЭ

    тАЬWhat is the square root of a hundred and forty-four?тАЭ

    тАЬDo I know the square root of a hundred and forty-four? Is that what youтАЩre asking me? Of course I do. ItтАЩs absurd that you would even ask me that.тАЭ

    тАЬPlease tell the class what it is.тАЭ

    тАЬYou want ME to tell the class? Excuse meтАФarenтАЩt you supposed to be the teacher? I think we can all agree that, if anyone around here is going to tell the class the square root of a hundred and forty-four, you should be the one to do it. If you even know the square root of a hundred and forty-fourтАФwhich, frankly, I have my doubts.тАЭ

    This last phrase was delivered to three boys sitting across the aisle from the blond boy. They giggled.

    тАЬDonald, go the blackboard.тАЭ

    The boy registered astonishment. тАЬIтАЩm supposed to go to the blackboard?тАЭ

    тАЬIf you do not, you will get an F.тАЭ

    тАЬI donтАЩt think so.тАЭ

    тАЬDo you know the answer, Donald?тАЭ

    тАЬDo I know the answer? Lady, I am super-smart. My I.Q. is, like, many multiples of the square root of a hundred and forty-four. Beyond anything you have seen in this grammar school, believe me.тАЭ

    тАЬThen you can tell us the square root of a hundred and forty-four.тАЭ

    тАЬListen, I know the square root of a hundred and forty-four. I have known it for YEARS.тАЭ

    тАЬWhat is it?тАЭ

    тАЬI donтАЩt do hypotheticals.тАЭ

    тАЬThe square root of a hundred and forty-four is not hypothetical.тАЭ

    тАЬOh, really? Says who? You? Has anybody here ever seen a square root? No? I didnтАЩt think so. People, itтАЩs your parents, the taxpayers, who are paying this womanтАЩs salary. Money that could be going to you, personally, for Three Musketeers bars is lining the pocket of this person so that she can stand here asking me to do her job for her. May I be honest? It sickens me.тАЭ

    тАЬDonald, would you like to go to the principalтАЩs office?тАЭ

    тАЬLet me tell you something: the principal and I get along great. He respects me, the principal. We see eye to eye on many, many subjects. I wouldnтАЩt mind sitting down with the principal and discussing a few issues pertaining to how this class is being run. I think the principal would be very interested in what I would have to tell him.тАЭ

    тАЬAre you threatening me, Donald?тАЭ

    тАЬThreatening you? Whoa! Where did that come from?тАЭ Donald turned to the boys across the aisle and said, out of the side of his mouth, тАЬMust be somebodyтАЩs time of the month.тАЭ

    тАЬDonald, what is the square root of a hundred and forty-four?тАЭ

    тАЬYou keep asking the same question! WeтАЩve been over this and over this. IтАЩm starting to wonder if thereтАЩs something else going on here. IтАЩm wondering if perhaps someone is not properly accredited as a math teacher. ItтАЩs just a question.тАЭ

    тАЬSit down, Donald. I am giving you an F.тАЭ

    The boy did not sit. He turned to speak to the students seated behind him.

    тАЬLook, I have demonstrated many, many times that I am a super math brain. I knew the square root of a hundred and forty-four before anybody was even talking about the square root of a hundred and forty-four.тАЭ

    тАЬWhat is it?тАЭ the teacher asked.

    тАЬDonтАЩt worry, Mrs. Abernathy. When you hear my answer, you are going to love it so much. You are going to be very, very happy.тАЭ

    тАЬGood. What is your answer?тАЭ

    тАЬTo what?тАЭ

    тАЬThe square root of a hundred and forty-four.тАЭ

    тАЬI am so sick of these gotcha questions.
    Just another reason why I love living in Thailand

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran francois's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald and dem ol' Obfuscation Blues ...

    It worked for Hitler, so why not for Trump?

  3. #3
    Senior member lego's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald and dem ol' Obfuscation Blues ...

    It's free entertainment. Be grateful.
    Yes, grandpa, I know it used to be more fun 30 years ago...

  4. #4
    Up Yer Kilt scottish-guy's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald and dem ol' Obfuscation Blues ...

    Smiles has nailed Trump's tactics, but they're not new:

    "In a high profile hearing at the Scottish Parliament in April (2012), Mr Trump told MSPs he is "the evidence" that the development of onshore and offshore wind power will drive tourists away.

    He said: "I am an expert on tourism. If you dot your landscape with these horrible, horrible structures, you will do tremendous damage."

    Asked for facts, he continued: "I am the evidence. I am an expert in tourism, I am considered a world-class expert in tourism, so when you say 'where is the evidence?', I am the evidence."


  5. #5
    Forum's veteran Smiles's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald and dem ol' Obfuscation Blues ...

    This small yet terrific essay in the latest edition of 'Esquire' by Mr Mark Salter. He says all in a nutshell. [He is by the way, a Republican].
    A piece of writing which, not only says all, but makes one wish one had written it himself.

    We Deserve Better Than Donald Trump
    I've always distrusted people who never question their assumptions or test their opinions against their critics' arguments. I believe empathy is the starting point of wisdom, and imagining things from an opponent's point of view is essential to solving problems in a closely divided polity.

    Yet on the subject of Donald Trump, my mind is closed. Slammed shut. Triple-bolted. Sealed like a tomb.

    Nothing anyone could reveal about Trump could get me to change my opinion that he's an asshole. And not a "yeah, but he's our asshole" kind but rather a cartoon villain, a fake, a cheat, a liar, a creep, a bullying, bragging, bullshitting, blowhard kind of asshole.

    There have been lots of candidates in the past I've disagreed with, even loathed. There's only one I've wanted to punch in the face as he's doing one of his pursed-lips, chin-tilting Il Duce impersonations.

    I grew up in Iowa, where people are widely admired for their courtesy, generosity, and modesty, for their un-Trumpness. Iowa was the first state to offer a new home and resettlement assistance to Vietnamese boat people. It's also welcomed refugees from other war-torn and oppressed countries. Until the terrorist attacks in Paris, eight hundred more were expected to arrive in Iowa this year. Most Iowans of my acquaintance are just good people.

    Yet for months a xenophobic bigot has been leading most polls there and nationally, with his acolyte, Ted Cruz, in hot pursuit. I don't believe them. I think they inflate his support. I can't imagine how Trump could appeal to more than a disaffected few who are resentful, misinformed, and misled but unlikely to go to the trouble of participating in a caucus. Mostly, I don't want to believe the polls. I don't want to believe Iowans or any decent person would choose Trump for president.

    If you regard honesty and humility as virtues, which I think most Iowans do, his ridiculous boasts demand derision. He's the business genius who brags about screwing his investors and who has declared bankruptcy as often as some people overdraw their checking account. He sports the world's silliest comb-over and makes fun of other people's looks. He's the tough guy who never served in the military, never risked his life or his interests for anyone other than himself, and disparaged the service of a decorated veteran.

    He promises to make America great again and rejects the ideals and decency that made us great in the first place. Trump isn't a fascist. He just says stupid, offensive things, seems unaware we have a Bill of Rights, and surrounds himself with aides who appear to have graduated first in their class at the Baghdad Bob School of Awesome Ass Kissing. Fascism is an ideology. Self-aggrandizement isn't.

    But he does preach resentment of and hostility toward othersтАФthe mythical dancing Muslims of Jersey City, the Mexican day laborers pillaging our culture and raping our women. He incites people to consider fellow citizens and aspiring citizens outside the protection of our Constitution and the norms of a just society.

    He isn't a terrorist, either, but his crude populism, with its scapegoats and simple answers and appeals to the worst in people, intent on offending every Muslim on earth, makes him an ally of terrorists.

    My daughter thinks I'm paying Trump a compliment by taking him seriously. To her cohort, raised in the age of reality TV and the Internet's infinite store of human folly, Trump is just a joke gone viral without being very funny. It happens. There's always a market for crudeness and bad taste.

    But Trump is bringing out the worst in me, too.

    In my contempt, I'm channeling Trump, slinging insults and scorn not at him alone but also at the people who support him, who applaud his pretensions, cheer his slurs, and nod in agreement with his asinine ideas. I've belittled their intelligence and character. I've stopped trying to understand their point of view. I'm treating them as the other, undeserving of my respect.

    Some Trump fans are likely as boorish as their candidate. But what explains the people who support a man for president they wouldn't want as a friend or neighbor or coworker? Among them are people I knowтАФsome I've known for many years. They are salt-of-the-earth people, good people.

    I sat next to a woman at a basketball game the other day. We go to the same church and our kids attended the same schools. She's a thoughtful, courteous, nice person. She told me she was supporting Trump. I was dumbfounded and asked her why. She gave me a version of the answer I've heard from other Trump supporters: The country is in such bad shape that we need someone like Trump, someone who will really shake things up.

    That's a sentiment I thought was a tendency in Latin American politics, not hereтАФthe preference in troubled times for a caudillo, a strongman to break rules, to rule the people when everyone is too scared or weak or corrupt to govern themselves.

    Are we in such dire straits that we must dispense with civility, kindness, tolerance, and normal decency to put a mean-spirited, lying jerk in the White House? Are we not still the strongest, wealthiest, freest society on earth, with more opportunities for more people than anywhere else? We fought the last presidential election mostly over a 4 percent difference in the top marginal tax rateтАФnot exactly an ideological battle for the ages. Four years on, is the notion that the country is hopeless so widespread that people are willing to throw in the towel by nominating for president someone who admires Vladimir Putin?

    I don't get it, and I've stopped trying. That's on me and I'm sorry. I know how I appear to a lot of Trump supporters. I live in Washington. I used to work in the government. I'm not worried about losing my job. I'm not looking for answers or for someone else to hold accountable for my circumstances. But neither is my friend from the basketball game or other Trump supporters I know personally. The only explanation I can come up with is that they've given up on the country for no good reason. I know that's a failure of discernment and empathy on my part.

    Of course, were Trump to succumb to a rare bout of honesty, he would confess he thinks we're all just suckers.

    I hope we're both proved wrong. I really do. Because right now that asshole is making us all look bad.
    http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a4 ... rk-salter/
    Just another reason why I love living in Thailand

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran Smiles's Avatar
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    Trump is on the rag again ...

    Trump gets more head-shakingly fascinating as the days go by. The common wisdom -- since Kennedy at least -- is that the ubiquitous television debates are pivotal events that should not be ignored by serious candidates.

    Well 'WHATEVER' says our favourite pugnacious little devil-candidate as he has now decided to not show up at Thursday's GOP debate [sponsored by, get ready for this stunner ... FOX News]
    The reason; Donald apparently thinks one of Fox News' moderators, i.e. Megyn Kelly, is biased against him. Translation into Donald-ese; Kelly's a cunt.

    This is all just too too much for me. :-B

    http://www.marketwatch.com/story/donald ... 2016-01-26
    Just another reason why I love living in Thailand

  7. #7
    Senior member lego's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald and dem ol' Obfuscation Blues ...

    He just doesn't want to see her bleeding from her, uhm, nose again. But it's all about power. Fox thought they can send her again, The Donald thought otherwise, none seems able or willing to compromise.
    Yes, grandpa, I know it used to be more fun 30 years ago...

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