Christian, on the passport issue its very simple - it was maybe 20 years ago and I was travelling with 2 friends from Scotland to Prague via London as there were no direct flights at that time.

The check-in, boarding, and first leg from GLA>STN went without a hitch.

Then, standing in line to check-in for the GO (yes, it was that long ago) flight, i just happened to be browsing through my passport, got to the last page, and there was my father looking at me on the photo page! I later remembered having bought new passport covers some weeks ago including one for him and when putting them on, i'd obviously made a switch.

Of course, in those days security at airports was nothing like as stringent as now and and did not require a passport to be shown for internal flights (strictly speaking still the case) - so even though I HAD shown the wrong passport at check-in and boarding on the first leg, scrutiny was obviously somewhat lacking in that it was not noticed even though there's a 30 year age difference!

However, I was clearly not going to get to Prague on someone else's passport, and my flight option to get back to Glasgow from Stansted was in the region of 200 quid (a lot of money then) - so i had to get a return train ticket from London-Glasgow back home and start all over again at 5am the next day.

I lost 24 hours of that holiday, and my friends have never let me hear the last of it.