I found this section of the Bloomberg article interesting...or puzzling...or humorous...or whatever:

In what may come as a surprise, the least-miserable country in our analysis is the not-so-wealthy Thailand. That's partly thanks to an unusually low unemployment rate, currently tracking below 1 percent, that has so far failed to spur inflation. To be sure, the Land of Smiles, currently under martial law after a military coup last year, has a long way to go before it comes close to the living standards of developed economies.
I guess they are suggesting that Thailand should hurry up and get more modern and advanced so it can rank higher on the "misery scale".

What they don't appear to realize is that the underlying reason why Thailand ranks the highest on the "happy" scale is because the other more modern and advanced countries "think too much".

The humorous part of this is the fact that they (Bloomberg) fails to realize that Thailand doesn't evan have a structured (or statistically reliable) method of counting the "unemplyeed" to begin with...and if they did it would take them 50 years to do the counting.