I think you may be reading too much into the description. Nighttours has been around for a long time and, from their name you can guess that they give out advice on what a gay man can do in various cities at night. If you were into "rent boys" as many readers of nighttours might be, it would be good to know what the offerings were in advance...especially if you were into / or not into that type of "rent boy". Didn't Spartacus give out those sorts of descriptions of the scene in various cities once upon a time?

I've always found it interesting, when a friend or a group of gay friends arrives in Thailand from back home for a visit and I take them to see a "bar" for the first time. Whether they are into Asians or into young (looking) guys...for them this unique destination might be the ideal choice. There's still going to be the traffic of tourists coming to Thailand for the beaches, the sun or just to cross if off their list...and some of these tourists are going to be gay. Some are going to find the country as we have and other are not. That's just what Thailand offers and there's stiff (pardon the pun) competition out there for the gay tourist $ in the world and Thailand isn't even really trying.
