Quote Originally Posted by newalaan2
Always like to get a current update before arriving for a visit on which clubs and venues are still open and/or busy in Pattaya as that is one of the main reasons for our Pattaya fun-week visit during my trips to Thailand, and it's a pain to get to a venue at a decent time for a table, waiting for the after-bar crowd to fill the place up only to find it is 'out of favour' with the fickle gay Pattaya crowd.

Haven't seen much here at SGT from Colmx and martin911 recently, (or indeed anyone lately on the subject), and they tend to have good current info on the clubbing scene.

Any updates on the likes of NAB, Dave Man, IDOL, Hollywood, Tam Nan Chon, Tam Nan Issan (I suspect this is one which never changes! "Anonone"?) etc.. or any NEW places to consider?

Any recent info greatly appreciated.
Absolutely...Tam Nan never changes...THANK YOU BUDDHA for that. LOL

I was last in Thailand a couple weeks ago, and as you can imagine, most of the nights we were at Tam Nan. NAB seemed to be the club of choice from what I was hearing, with DAVE running in 2nd place...but limited personal experience...so I will defer to Martin or Colmx for an authoritative update on them. We only went to the Western clubs for New Years, so everyplace was packed anyway. Not really fair to judge them based just on that special night.

Looking forward to hearing your impressions of things in Pattaya...be sure to report back on your experience.

EDIT: I can't remember if you visit the Gay Thailand forum. Here is my report from that visit, including some videos from Tam Nam, as well as some other pics.
