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Thread: Smart phones & wi-fi

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Smart phones & wi-fi

    I am currently taking a break from Pattaya in Siem Reap until early next week. Whilst I'm not a technophobe , I have smartphones,tablets and multiple comps, I find the rapidly approaching death of personal social interaction disturbing. Prior to coming to SR I had noticed that an ever increasing number of bars are offering wi-fi now. the result being crowds of faces illuminated by phone/tablet screens with nary a smiling Thai face in view. those who don't possess a wi-fi capable device are crowded around those that do.
    If you can manage to get a boy to pocket his device for long enough to negotiate a transaction of a non-technical nature, the moment wi-fi becomes available, ie in another bar or the hotel room, out it comes again. Apparently Thailand has one of the most prolific numbers of FB users world wide. I think I preferred the days when the boy's first action on reaching the room was to grab the TV remote and tune into a Thai TV channel.
    I made the mistake of presenting one of my favs with an iPhone which was superfluous to my own needs. Now his previously glowing smile has been replaced for the most part with the illuminating glow of the iPhone screen. OK my boo boo I know.
    So what to do?? Try as I may it''s hard not to show my displeasure and short of confiscating the phone and discreetly putting it out of sight ( while he showers) until the consummation of our agreed transaction has concluded I guess there's not much that I can do, although incurring the wrath of a phone deprived boy would dampen the ardour somewhat. One boy who I showed to the door sans baht because of his apparent incapability to put down the phone for 10 mins, seemed unperturbed as he FBed his way out the door.the next night I gingerly walked past his bar, convinced my name would be mud with the boys there. I looked at him and he saw me, smiled and indicated I should come in. I entered and his phone went dark and remained pocketed as we had a drink. Although he did get up at one stage to join the crowd of boys,clustered around an iPad game player, he returned in short order and we eventually left as we had the night before, We sated my passion phone free although I had to watch syfy channel for 1/2 hour after while he feverishly face booked away. Whilst I was hopeful of a repeat of the previous night, in spite of the cheery wave and greeting as I walked past by his return to the screen was swift. I am tempted to say his loss, but who am i kidding, I eventually found a boy whose technological ability was limited by his possession of only an old wi-fi incapable Nokia. I can cope with a phone call or three and a couple of texts.
    After all it's low season, there's not as much trade around so the boys have to sit for 5 or 6 hours a night in an almost deserted Sunee.They need something to pass the time I guess, although I am convinced they are missing out on the Baht of the few farang that are around, well my baht anyway :dontknow: .
    Sadly it's a very similar situation here in SR

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran bucknaway's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Smart phones & wi-fi

    So even when the clothes come off and you guys are on the bed, lips on skin, he is still focused on his phone screen?
    These are the good'ol days

  3. #3
    Moderator christianpfc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Smart phones & wi-fi

    Agree with Krazy4thai. If a boy doesn't look up because he is playing with his phone and I can't get a look at his face, I will not disturb him and look elsewhere, his loss. Recently a vibration alarm was ringing while I was busy with a friend. "Is this your phone or my phone?" "My phone." (I am very sensitive, a ringing phone can destroy the moment.)

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