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Thread: Red via Yellow

  1. #1
    Senior member
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    Red via Yellow

    In all my time in visiting thailand I have yet to get any boys to talk about which party they vote for or what they really think about the royal family. Is it just that they dont like to talk to farang about the subject, or is it that they do as they are told by the head of their family ? Also do you think that as most boys come from Issan they would tend to be red shirts ?

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran cdnmatt's Avatar
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    Re: Red via Yellow

    Yeah, most (if not all) of the boys in the bars will be red shirts.

    You won't ever (or only very rarely) hear it being discussed openly, as it's just one of those taboo subjects. Think the same as speaking out against the government in various Middle Eastern countries. Although you can discuss it privately with friends and family at home, it's not table conversation. Actually, that's a bad analogy, but I can't think of a better one at the moment.

    Reminds me of a while ago -- we're were at a restaurant in Khon Kaen. Close to us there was a table of about six Thais in their mid-20s or so, and one of them was speaking quite loudly. I overheard him talking, and although I couldn't understand every word, even I could tell he was being critical of the red shirts. Even I said, "geez, that sure is a controversial subject to be talking about in public", then explained he's being critical of the reds. Sure enough, if you looked over at their table, he was doing 95% of the talking, and everyone else was awkwardly sitting there hoping he'd shut up soon.

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran bucknaway's Avatar
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    Re: Red via Yellow

    Picture it. I'm in Chiangmai for or five years ago. I'm crossing the crowded street and when the crowd begins to cross, I join them and nearly get run over by a cop! We lock eyes, I smile and lower my head slightly but his look does not change till he nods his head and drives on.

    I enter the KFC and wait off to the side to decide what to order and once I decide, I get in line. I place my order and the server pushes my order out to me on a tray. I find one last open table and soon I'm asked if I would share my table. I look up and it the same officer that almost ran me over. He joined me and we talked. We talked of family, we talked of places visited and we talked of politics........ He spoke without whisper of his views on Thai politics making me very uncomfortable. He was telling me thing I know should not be said in public and he admitted that he could be jailed for his words.

    He was a handsome guy. Just thought I would throw that in here.

    Anyway, he was the first but not the last Thai that wanted to talk local and national politics with me and declare where they stand on the issues. It's always happened out of the blue, they begin the topic without any encouragement from me.

    So there are guys that will talk politics but they may not do it if you bring it up.
    These are the good'ol days

  4. #4
    Moderator christianpfc's Avatar
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    Re: Red via Yellow

    None of the Thais I met so far talked about politics, and I don't open this topis as it's not interesting for me and I don't have knowledge to discuss it.

  5. #5
    Senior member
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    Re: Red via Yellow

    aot81 sometimes you intrege me ... most people will ask the boys where they come from a little about their lives and family ... a little small talk then do whatever it is people do when alone ..
    here you are chatting with a boy with i'd imagine little skills in english or what ever language you use hoping to have a conversation about politics, way to go ... why not move onto quantum physics next time dont waste time talking nonsense !!!
    as for over hearing a guy talking in a loud voice ... how do thais look when they wish someone would shut up ?
    bucky the cop almost kills you then hurries back to sit and chat stuff in a burger bar, which i'd imagine he didnt even see you go into as the street you was crossing was crowded ... yet it was only you who almost got run over ... but he was chatting stuff that could get him locked up ... and again in perfect english !!!
    it must be strange when people think .. .wow look at that fit hot guy there i would love to do him, now where do i start ... i know, the revolution.. that should get him into my bed.
    i guess thanks go to christain for being honest.

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran bucknaway's Avatar
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    Re: Red via Yellow

    Yes, his English was perfect as was the other 2 officers he introduced me to and they were able to talk and joke with me over dinner at an outside BBQ before we went to Bubbles.

    It was my goal to meet and bed an officer on that trip and I only met my goal half way. I met them, partied and ate with them but I didn't get to have sex with them, but one of them did follow me into the mens room and as we stood at our own urinals, he asked me if I liked men. I told him I did and he showed me his cock and asked if I would suck it. Before I could answer, someone walked in and that was the end of that.

    Once we got back to the table the highest ranking officer whispered that I should tip them all...... Ugh.....

    I don't know if my post is still on this forum but if it is, you should find it and read it.

    But I don't think you enjoy knowing others are enjoying their life and times in Thailand and I seldom waste a trip or my time when I am there.

    I'm sure you will pop a cork when you lean what happens on my upcoming trip to Thailand this year. :3some:
    These are the good'ol days

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran arsenal's Avatar
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    Re: Red via Yellow

    Many of the boys wear a wristband that show their feelings one way or another.

  8. #8
    Senior member
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    Re: Red via Yellow

    well maybe fate has strange ways .. there was you in a crowd of people and this cop in a car decides to try driving into them all sees you and hits the brakes... how lucky you all where, and how lucky he was to have stopped you thru the crowd... if it hadnt of been for you being there, there could have been multiply deaths ...
    then he comes back after driving off just to have a chat with you even tho he didnt see where you went!!!
    cops cocks in toilets, im sure you couldnt make it up.. do you often have sex with cops in america ?
    silly question really, you seem capable of having sex with whome ever or what even when ever you want ...
    pop a cork, no i'll do what i always do when you post ... laugh
    tho you have done well to have your stories written already .. i thought you would have at least waited till you came back !!

  9. #9
    Member peeseua's Avatar
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    Re: Red via Yellow

    I can't speak for people from the north but in the south, at the height of the demos, I know a lot of bar boys were turning up for work in yellow shirts. Maybe it was because the bulk of their clients came from Malaysia and didn't care about their personal political preferences? They were not afraid to state their opposition to the red shirts when asked, I know.

    I wonder what would happen if we all just stuck to the original topic posted and simply ignored trolls and other quarrelsome types that feel obligated to flame other people's posts? Would they get frustrated from the lack of attention and just go away quietly? Or would they go on posting inanely regardless? :violent1:
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  10. #10
    Senior member
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    Feb 2013

    Re: Red via Yellow

    i guess there wouldnt be much activity on the board if people didnt question some of the postings here..
    red shirts or yellow shirts .. my guess would be that 18 - 22 yr olds who come from a farm in issan or where ever they come from, to bangkok or pattaya to sell their arses for money dont care to much, red or yellow shirts ..
    we are told by the high and mighty on the board these are people who lack social awareness .. so do you really think they would have much idea what is going on in the real world ?
    peesoup .. when you take a boy home, when he reaches for the t.v. remote does he a. switch on the new channel. or b. go for the cartoon network ?
    now this post is on topic i think. i.ve never heard any bar boys, gogo boys talking about politics, they dont talk about that sort of stuff, but then maybe i dont have a face that looks like someone who wants to talk serious, maybe some people like to get involved in the life of taksin before taking a facefull of cock .. whatever turns you on.
    peesoup you wrote ***Maybe it was because the bulk of their clients came from Malaysia and didn't care about their personal political preferences? ***
    so this isnt going off topic still 100% on topic and asking you, do you think the boys worry about what their clients from malaysia think about thai politics before taking it in the pooper?
    again we are talking about mostly uneducated people here who wouldnt be able to point out in a picture who is the P.M or deputy P.M. but would know who is micky mouse and who is pluto..
    so as with my other posts i do belive i have stayed on topic , you are allowed to question other posters you know, its called interaction...

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