HDMI cables transmit a digital signal and the quality of the cable is largely irrelevant....they either work or they don't, you cannot receive a bad quality signal which is just made up of "1's" and "0's". One rider is that the actual connections on very cheap cables can be a potential problem if they are continually connected/disconnected as they work loose. A non expensive HDMI cable should be good for at least an 8 metre run and some would say that 12-15 metres also works fine for most users. (you can buy boosters to extend the run length if necessary) If you have doubts Google "HDMI cable myths," where you will find plenty of commentary. Companies like Monster have spent a lot of marketing money to spread the message about the need and superiority of "quality" (read high priced) cables......but read the comments and make up your own mind.
Do not confuse digital HDMI with analogue component video where cable quality is an important consideration.