Going the Royal Pardon route is an interesting and foxy way of getting Thaksin back ... and so Thai Politico!

Give this aspect some thought: rather than introducing legislation in Parliament, or attempting a constitutional amendment, a Royal Pardon ('amnesty') will, at the end of the day, become a 'Royal' decree, and thus any criticism of it could be interpreted as 'Lese Majesty'. The legislative or constitutional route will for certain open up a very nasty can of worms. But now, if that can contains an implied Lese Majesty threat, politicians may well think twice about opening it up.

Looks like Ms Yingluck ('Badluck') Shinawatra was obviously informed of this (secret) Cabinet debate and was probably advised to 'take a helicopter ride' somewhere.
She did, but could not get back in time because she was informed that the helicopter was not equipped to do night flying (right: an army helicopter!!). According to an army 'source' yesterday in the Post, the helicopter was indeed able to fly at night.

Quote Originally Posted by SlaveDriver
" ... The process should be fair and inclusive and should include every player so that Thailand can have a lasting political and social stability and the country with so much potential can move forward for the betterment of everyone ... "
:laughing3: And may I ask which brand-name of rose-coloured set of spectacles did you groggily choose this morning?