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Thread: favorite name ??

  1. #1

    favorite name ??

    well all know that the death of a buffalo is one of the most regular and traumatic thing that can ever happen to a thai boy .... but as most of the posters on here have probably paid towards the well being or replacement of a buffalo .. the question is thus ... what is the most popular name of a thai buffalo?
    im sure we all name our pets.. so why wouldnt they ?

  2. #2

    Re: favorite name ??

    "what is the most popular name of a thai buffalo?"

    Well that's obvious, the answer MUST be "sick" as every guy I met tells me "my family's buffalo he sick" so I just always "assumed" that was the buffalos name and as every guy says it I guess that must be the most popular name too then !!! - although mind you for some strange reason a lot of them also seem to have a Brother, Mother and Father who's name also seems to be "sick" as well !! lol

  3. #3

    Re: favorite name ??

    Quote Originally Posted by NIrish Guy
    "what is the most popular name of a thai buffalo?"

    Well that's obvious, the answer MUST be "sick" as every guy I met tells me "my family's buffalo he sick" so I just always "assumed" that was the buffalos name and as every guy says it I guess that must be the most popular name too then !!! - although mind you for some strange reason a lot of them also seem to have a Brother, Mother and Father who's name also seems to be "sick" as well !! lol

    well in that case i would imagine that *sick* is the family name .. i was after finding out what the most popular first name of the buffalo is !!

  4. #4
    Moderator christianpfc's Avatar
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    Aug 2010

    Re: favorite name ??

    Quote Originally Posted by brithai
    im sure we all name our pets.. so why wouldnt they ?
    Yes, but a buffalo is not a pet, it's a farm animal. If there is only one buffalo, there is no need to name it (same for chicken, because there are so many). Maybe the idea of naming a buffalo is so strange to Thais as the idea of naming one's car is to me. I once read about names for pet animals in Thailand: the name of the dog is "dog". But I remember, a friend of mine has a sugar glider named Micky.

  5. #5
    Forum's veteran Smiles's Avatar
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    Hua Hin, Thailand

    Re: favorite name ??

    Quote Originally Posted by brithai
    " ... well all know that the death of a buffalo is one of the most regular and traumatic thing that can ever happen to a thai boy ... "
    Well, actually it's a stupid and thoughtless cliche which is rarely ever thought about except by newbies who cling onto this foolishness like a Linus security blanket.
    And then to add to it by posting a contest: "Name That Buffalo".
    Lordie, we've come a long way.

    Name this:

    Just another reason why I love living in Thailand

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran Marsilius's Avatar
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    Bristol, U.K.

    Re: favorite name ??

    Quote Originally Posted by brithai
    well in that case i would imagine that *sick* is the family name .. i was after finding out what the most popular first name of the buffalo is !!
    "Very"? Siblings include "Terminally", "Extremely" and others ad infinitum.
    "The fruits of peace and tranquility... are the greatest goods... while those of its opposite, strife, are unbearable evils. Hence we ought to wish for peace, to seek it if we do not already have it, to conserve it once it is attained, and to repel with all our strength the strife which is opposed to it. To this end individual[s]... and in even greater degree groups and communities are obliged to help one another... from the bond or law of human society." [Marsilio dei Mainardini (c.1275-1342), Defensor Pacis]

  7. #7

    Re: favorite name ??

    Quote Originally Posted by Smiles
    Quote Originally Posted by brithai
    " ... well all know that the death of a buffalo is one of the most regular and traumatic thing that can ever happen to a thai boy ... "
    Well, actually it's a stupid and thoughtless cliche which is rarely ever thought about except by newbies who cling onto this foolishness like a Linus security blanket.
    And then to add to it by posting a contest: "Name That Buffalo".
    Lordie, we've come a long way.

    Name this:

    well one day i hope to be as smart and clever as you oh wise one.. ..
    as for now i cant be as im newbie :crybaby:
    i dunno lets hope no one else comes on here and tries to be light hearted .
    back to the name calling and flaming ...
    please forgive me .. ta :notworthy:

  8. #8
    Senior member kittyboy's Avatar
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    USA - Georgia

    Re: favorite name ?? --Wanker

    If I can broaden the topic...I teach in china and students pick English names...or they are given English names. I once had a student named Wanker.

    I suspect it was a bad joke played on him by an English teacher and he never quite got the joke and no one had the heart to tell him. I had to write a letter of recommendation for him when he applied to University in the UK. You can imagine my difficulty in getting started...

    To whom it may concern: I have known Mr. Wanker Lui.....I chose to use his Chinese name instead. I thought that the better choice.

    Funny the Thais don't seem to provide the same amusement factor with their English names.
    Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and they all stink.

  9. #9

    Re: favorite name ??

    "Funny the Thais don't seem to provide the same amusement factor with their English names".

    Oh I don't quite know about that as in my time I've known a few Anusuns (sun for short), an Art and a few guys called beer and I used to take great pleasure and have a small laugh inside my head when straight/ homophobic people here in the UK used to look at me in disgust and say " I bet I know why you go to Thailand so often" with a sneer on their faces and I was able to turn round to them with a totally straight face and say "excuse me I'll have you know I only go there to get some sun, take in the culture and art and have a few beers !!" and they could never accuse me of lying !! lol

  10. #10
    Forum's veteran Smiles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Hua Hin, Thailand

    Re: favorite name ?? --Wanker

    Quote Originally Posted by kittyboy
    " ... I once had a student named Wanker ... "
    Was his second nickname 'Brithai' by any chance.

    (Just kiddin' Britsi ... in the name of lightheartedness of course).
    See, obviously I still have a sense of humour. Look, I use these:
    :violent1: :bootyshake: :occasion5: :3some: :leb: :ssmile: )

    Hmmmm ... your style (using 'style' very broadly indeed) reads with some familiarity.
    Just another reason why I love living in Thailand

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