Many of the posters may know Allen Briggs. Allen had a widely read web site and produced the Weekly Report until he had some major health problems. Even then he continued as a professor of law at Asian University until this year. It is very doubtful that he will be able to teach even a one hour course he was hoping to continue with. He is currently 78.

Allen has unfortunately become a "shut in" now as he has trouble walking. He has just purchased a wheel chair, but does not have the strength to push the wheels so he is still home bound.

Allen has a boy friend who tries to help him when he can, but much of the boy friend's time is spent at his restaurant "Little Mango". Many may know Ken, also. Ken has limited time because he has to shop for food, and open the restaurant which is open from late afternoon until late at night. This leaves Allen alone in his apartment all day and night by himself.

In talking with Allen today, he asked me to inquire through the boards, if anyone knew of a Thai person that would be willing to act as an attendant for Allen several days a week for a salary to be determined between Allen and the Thai. Here is what the attendant might do.

It would be great if the Thai had a driver's license. Allen owns a new model Fortuner (which he can no longer drive). The attendant would be able to chaperon Allen and his wheel chair to various places, so Allen would be able to get out of his apartment and eat, shop, meet with his friends in Boyztown or Sunee Plaza, or by the beach etc. It would need to be someone that is strong enough to help Allen stand and help him up the few steps he would need to climb to sit at some of the bars. The person would need to help him move about in his condo unit, etc.

The number of hours and salary is something that needs to be discussed. But the person would be justly compensated. This is not a live in arrangement, unless the person felt that was important. The most important thing is finding someone honest.

If anyone has a suggestion please PM to me and I will give you Allen's phone.