New for me anyway. We just got in from the airport and went to the city taxi curbside desk. The driver was standing as usual in line for customers. We went to his parked taxi and loaded the luggage in the trunk, I pushed the trolley over to the side and got in after the BF. The taxi took off and as usual I made sure that the meter was on, it was not easy to see. When I finally got to see the meter it read 71B. We had only traveled a few KM. What he did was to turn on the meter when he first parked the taxi and was waiting in line for a customer. He said that is standard practice, he was waiting for us!

The BF and the driver argued over this scam and as usual they came to a Thai compromise and the driver would pay for one of the toll charges.

So, when getting in a taxi at the airport, take a look at the meter before you get in to see that it's not already running.